Holaaaaa yo soy Hermana Davis…

And I am in NEW YORK, Surprise!!
I am in New City, NY, which is basically as close as you can get to New Jersey without actually being in New Jersey. Lol
I got here last Monday after a turbulent heavy flight from Utah.
Our mission president and his wife welcomed us with open arms and smiles. It felt like coming home😊
We slept the first night in the mission home and then the next day I met my trainer, Hermana Waters! She is from Idaho Falls, Idaho. Honestly, she is amazing. The Lord blessed me big time with her. SHE has made my excitement to be a missionary grow 100x.
I am in an area that they classify as Spanglish. So I don’t speak a lot of Spanish but when I do it is intense. Dominicans talk so fast hahahah I’m practicing as much as I can on my own so that when the times come to speak Spanish I can do my best.
There have been so many miracles in the past week I can barely form the words to explain. All I know is that this is exactly where I am supposed to be and I am overwhelmingly happy. The Lord’s work is the best work and I am so grateful to be a part of it.
My ward is awesome. It is 30% spanish, 30% Hatian Creole, 60% english. Its a crazy melting pot. I love the youth in my ward. The first time I met all of them they swarmed me. It brought tears to my eyes. They are some of God’s best and they think I am so cool for serving a mission. I just think they are amazing.
There is a little girl in my ward named Reece and she looks like me. When she met me she said, “oh my gosh we are twins. Give me a hug!”
There is so much I could share but honestly it would be a novel of miracles.
I am so happy to be here. Not every day is easy, most have hard parts. But, the work is miraculous. I have seen the light in eyes of peiple we teach when it clicks. The knowledge of Christ becomes real to them right in front of my eyes.
As tomorrow is Christmas, bring the focus back to Christ.
¡Más Christ! He is our savior and he was born and died for us. I know he lives.
I know this is where I am supposed to be.
Con mucho Amor,
Hermana McKenna Davis
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